Thursday, April 19, 2012

Movies and Entertainment: Part three: Corpse Bride:

The Corpse Bride was created in 2005 and is also one of my favorite Tim Burtons and many other fans of Tim Burton worldwide. The inspiration for the film came from a Jewish folktale. Victor is the main character of the movie and he is very shy and nervous.  This movie is back when parents decided who their children would marry. Emilys parents only wanted their little girl to marry Victor to get to his money. Both are very shy and timid people, but victor couldn’t seem to get  the vows right. So the night before the wedding he ventures off into a forest where he practices his vows. He places the ring on what seems to be just a branch, but turns out to be the corpse brides hand. This bride was to be married but was killed by a man who is trying to take emily away from victor and kill her as well. Victor is taken with the corpse bride later on in the movie and is just willing to die for this bride but first he must save emily from the evil man who killed his corpse bride. This movie shows just how far someone could go for love and shows a very confusing and difficult love triangle. Above is a picture of the movie with victor and emily working on their vows the picture is provided by the tim burton

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