Friday, April 20, 2012

Conclusion Tim Burton:

Tim Burtons life wasn’t at all easy. As a child he didn’t enjoy school and wasn’t very good in it either. Burton had a break through with art at a young age though. Tim Burton as a child loved monster movies such as Frankenstein. His hero as you have read was Vincent Price who appeared in one of his films called Vincent that started out as a poem just like the Nightmare Before Christmas. Burton has created many movies in his life time his first movie was made while he was at the young age of thirteen years old. His movies has recruited many fans of younger generations. Many teenagers and many children as well love his work. His art work isnt usually recognized as much as the art in his movies, but with its uniqueness it is just as good as the art in his movies some could even go to say that they are better with their weirdness and different style. Tim Burton has created a variety of different movies. They range from Batman to The Nightmare Before Christmas. Many fans love his work and his fans come from all over. Some of his movies have only been showed on the big screen over seas. With Burtons unique style it isnt hard to see why he has so many fans and so much success in his life time.

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