Friday, April 20, 2012

Conclusion Tim Burton:

Tim Burtons life wasn’t at all easy. As a child he didn’t enjoy school and wasn’t very good in it either. Burton had a break through with art at a young age though. Tim Burton as a child loved monster movies such as Frankenstein. His hero as you have read was Vincent Price who appeared in one of his films called Vincent that started out as a poem just like the Nightmare Before Christmas. Burton has created many movies in his life time his first movie was made while he was at the young age of thirteen years old. His movies has recruited many fans of younger generations. Many teenagers and many children as well love his work. His art work isnt usually recognized as much as the art in his movies, but with its uniqueness it is just as good as the art in his movies some could even go to say that they are better with their weirdness and different style. Tim Burton has created a variety of different movies. They range from Batman to The Nightmare Before Christmas. Many fans love his work and his fans come from all over. Some of his movies have only been showed on the big screen over seas. With Burtons unique style it isnt hard to see why he has so many fans and so much success in his life time.

Artwork Reflection:

As you can see Tim Burton has his own unique style of art. Burton was talented and was great at art from a very young age. The dump truck advertisement was his while he was in middle school. Tim hated school but loved art competitions like that one. At such a young age his drawings were still very unique and his people quite oddly drawn. His takes on art may be different from most artist but they show just as much talent as an artist who draws portraits. Tim may have had to make adjustments to some of his work for disney but his works are still there from the originals. The museum of modern art in New York has seven hundred pieces of his artwork. Some are even from his private collection that you can not see any where else. Tim Burton brought in his own style to art.

Artwork part 3:

Image Detail
In this picture you can see the resembelance to Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas. This was Burton’s original drawing of Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Disney didn’t want to use this image because it wouldn’t  sit well with children. The drawing wasn’t found appropriate for the age that the movie was intended for. You can see in the movie that Sally is a rag doll and is very child appropriate. Tim Burtons drawing of women were never very appropriate for younger ages. This is why Burton never really sat well with the Disney producers. You can see that the woman in the picture is blue and has stitches like Sally did as well. Sally in the movie has many different colors to her dress and the woman in the picture only has a black and white dress on. In the movie poison was never brought up either but in the picture it is poured into a wine glass.

Image Detail

Artwork Part two:

This piece was is located in a modern art museum in New York. This museum put together a total exhibit on Tim Burtons art work. They have over seven hundred pieces of his art work in this museum. Some are in his private collection.  These pieces you can not just  see anywhere. Tim Burton always had a unique way of drawing people as you can see in the above photograph. He makes his art work his own by adding his own style to it. He distorts parts of their body and causes them to look awkward. Some think his art work isnt good due to this but others opinions on his art work are very positive. With everything unique and different comes critisism. Tim Burton can change his artwork to fit the styles that the producers prefer for the movies. Sometimes he has to make it more appropriate for children viewers. The above picture is one I beileive to be a rockstar. His legs and arms are formed differently and its just Tim Burtons own take on the image.

Artwork: Part One:

Image Detail

Tim Burton was interested in art at a young age. He drew very different things then most children. Which Tim Burton has always been a very unique person in all. When in middle school Burton won a contest for a don’t litter poster. His poster was featured on every dumptruck for a year where he grew up at. Above is a picture of the poster that he created at such a young age he was very creative. Tim Burtons artwork has always been unusual and different some go as far to say its creepy, but fans love his uniqueness. My opinion on his artwork is that it is very different I don’t understand how someone could come up with some of the drawings that he has. As was said before he really never fit into the Disney life style. His drawings were closely monitored while he worked at Disney. His drawings of women tend to sometimes overdone some would say. is drawinghis

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Movies and Entertainment: Reflection

As you can see Tim Burton has been successful in his films and carrer. With his first film being at the age of thirteen years he has built qutie a reputation for himself. Burton has produced, directed and, made the drawings for many movies. Burton still plans on making more films and what more could his fans ask of him. Burton has recruited many young fans from the movies he has created. Burtons movies have brought him to where he is today. He is married to Helena Carter who he met on the set of one of his movies Planet of The Apes. Burton connects with his movies not just for the money but because of the emotion. Many of his movies he can connect with emotionally and compare to his own life, which is what makes them so great to his critics and his fans. Burtons movies are very unique and even if it’s a remake he puts his own spin on them.

Movies and Entertainment: Part three: Corpse Bride:

The Corpse Bride was created in 2005 and is also one of my favorite Tim Burtons and many other fans of Tim Burton worldwide. The inspiration for the film came from a Jewish folktale. Victor is the main character of the movie and he is very shy and nervous.  This movie is back when parents decided who their children would marry. Emilys parents only wanted their little girl to marry Victor to get to his money. Both are very shy and timid people, but victor couldn’t seem to get  the vows right. So the night before the wedding he ventures off into a forest where he practices his vows. He places the ring on what seems to be just a branch, but turns out to be the corpse brides hand. This bride was to be married but was killed by a man who is trying to take emily away from victor and kill her as well. Victor is taken with the corpse bride later on in the movie and is just willing to die for this bride but first he must save emily from the evil man who killed his corpse bride. This movie shows just how far someone could go for love and shows a very confusing and difficult love triangle. Above is a picture of the movie with victor and emily working on their vows the picture is provided by the tim burton

The video above was directed by Tim Burton who is close to the band The Killers.

Movies and Entertainment; Part two: The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie by Tim Burton. In my opinion the film went a completely different way from every other Disney Movie. This movie is about Jack the Pumkin King who lives in Halloween Town and is respected by everyone, but he feels saddened that he goes through the same things every year. Scares just werent what he wanted anymore he wanted more. Jack with his dog zero stumbled on a forest with different holidays for doors. He went through the christmas door and came across Christmas town. The other holidays have no idea of eachother and from this scene in the movie comes the famous song “Whats This?” “Whats this? Whats this? There's color everywhere What's this?There's white things in the air What's this? I can't believe my eyes I must be dreaming Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair What's this?” Which are just a few short lyrics from the song that many bands have played from the movie. The lyrics were provided by Above is a video of the song "What Is This?"Burton sees Santa in this town and decides that his town should also celebrate this holiday in fact he should be Santa this year not Jack the Pumkin King. Jack kidnaps Santa with the help of three children and then Oogie takes Santa from them. Jacks plans terribly go wrong and Santa is rescued from Oogie by Jack and Sally (his love interest in the film) and the holiday is saved at the last minute. Jack learns that he should stick to his holiday and his town but could still celebrate Christmas with his town. This Is just my short  summary of the movie in my perspective.

Movies and Entertainment; Part one:

Many of Tim Burtons movies are shown on television all the time today. A few of his more famous movies are Mars Attacks, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, and Batman. Tim Burtons child hero was quoted of saying "There is a wonderful cartoon madness in his work, a kind of madness that doesnt exist anymore in film." -For Tim Burton, This ones Personal by Nina J. Easton The Los Angeles Times 1990. In many of Burtons movies famous actors lined up to be the lead role, but Johnny Depp is almost always Burtons pick. Burton has a select few cast that he keeps in his movies. His wife being one of them along with Johnny Depp. Many of Burtons movies made it to theaters and became huge hits but some were never made. One of which was Lost In Oz, but Burton left the project to make a full series. Burtons earliest known movie is The Island of Doctor Agor. –The Tim Burton Collective.  Burton made movies at the young age of thirteen. Most of Tim Burtons early movies were unseen to the public. Burton has directed and produced many films many people don’t realize. Tim Burton loved to produce and direct “cheapo films” as says the tim burton collective webiste. Tim Burton never really fit into Disneys productions, but while he was working on Disney movies he was doing private projects as well. One of these was a poem that came to be known as the famous movie The Nightmare Before Chrsitmas.  

Tim Burtons Life; Reflection:

Image Detail
Tim Burtons life isnt as usual as most peoples. As a child he didn’t do well in school and wasn’t much of a people person.  He was most interested in arts as a child things such as movies, drawing, and painting.  Vincent Price was Burtons childhood hero. He was obsessed with scary movies and monster movies such as Frankenstein. After Burton began making movies Vincent played as an actor in his animated short  Frankenweenie. I cant  imagine having a childhood hero and have him appear in a movie I created as an adult. Im sure Tim Burtonwas ecstatic about the whole sittuation. Burton has made many succesful films in his life time and is still continuing to make more films. Burton had his son Billy in October of 2003 and Burton slowed down on his movie carrer as well did his wife Helena Carter with her acting carrer. A few short years later he began making films again and eager fans wait had ended. Frankenweenie was a film that was rare to find on vhs tapes and only came out in theaters over seas. Now Frankenweenie is being made into a film in the United States by Disney. Im sure Tim Burton is hoping for as good as a turn out as he received for Alice In Wonderland 3D. Burton turned out billions of dollars in this movie. Although Burton has slowed down on his movie making he has yet to stop with two movies coming out this year.

Tim Burtons Life; Part three

It was rumored that Tim Burton was going to take time off from his movie making and art work.  Which he did it was a few years before he began to start making movies again before Alice In Wonderland. Now Tim Burton is in the works of more films. The films will include his actor and friend Johnny Depp as well.  One of his movies coming out is about Edgar Allen Poes poem “The Raven” which fits well with Tim Burtons dark style that he uses in movies. Another movie coming out is one of a vampire coming back from being buried and he is in the 21st century and terribly confused. The lead is Johnny Depp. Tim Burton as a child led a life that most children do not. Most enjoy being around people and enjoying school. Mr. Burton has a unique style from most as you can tell if you have viewed any of his artwork or watched any of his own films. Tim Burton has left his mark on many of the younger generation viewers. All though all ages love his work and unique style. Burton continues to stay with his family and spend time with them while he makes his movies as you can see in the picture above. The information about his new films was provided by yahoo trailers.

Tim Burton's life; Part two:

In 2003 Burton had a child with Helena Carter he was named Billy.  After Billy was born Burton began to work on a project that was much different from his other films. Big Fish was one of the most emotional movies that Tim Burton had ever made. It connected with Tim personally; it was about a man trying to reconnect with his dying father. This movie earned great reviews from critics. In 2005 Burton began to direct back to back movies. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was his first. This film was one of the most successful blockbusters of its year. Two months later Tim Burton’s animated movie Corpse Bride was released. This movie was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature.  Burtons next film was a musical called Sweeney Todd, which was a very graphic film, something Tim Burton had never worked on. This movie was released in December 2007. Tim Burton then produced the animated movie 9 which was released on September 9, 2009. In 2010 he released Alice In Wonderland in 3D which wasn’t a remake of the Disney movie but a sequel. This movie grossed over a billion dollars worldwide, perhaps one of Burton’s most successful movies. Tim has created several more successful films and art and is still to create more great films.   -Tim Burton Collective

Tim Burtons Life; Part One:


Tim Burton’s actual name is Timothy William Burton. Burton was born August 25, 1958 in Burbank, California. Tim Burton was not very good with school or people for that matter. Tim was more interested in arts things such as painting, movies, and drawing. Burton as a child loved monster movies. A hero he had at a young age was Vincent Price the actor. After Tim graduated from high school in 1976 he started to go to college at California Institute of the Arts. Disney found Mr. Burton here in 1979 and he joined the Disney animation ranks. Burton’s style wasn’t much of what Disney was all about so Disney sent him off to work on his own personal projects. He created three animated shorts that became huge hits with Disney audiences.  One of which was The Nightmare Before Christmas. He also came up with Vincent and Frankenweenie within this time. Burton had stopped making movies for almost three years. In 1989 he married a German artist named Lena Gieseke. This was while he was in the middle of making the hit movie Batman. After the making of Batman returns the two separated. He then began to date Lisa Marie. She showed up as an actress in four of Burton’s movies. Burton’s parents both passed away in short periods from each other and Burton and Lisa Marie split up. After the filming of Planet of The Apes Burton began to date actress Helena Bonham Carter. Carter had appeared in his film of planet of The Apes.  "Tim Burton Collective"


This blog is about Timothy William Burton. It will be broken into three sections: Tim Burton’s life, movies and entertainment, and his success that has come with this. Tim Burton is an artist and movie creator. He also directs movies. Tim Burton was born on August 25, 1958.  Burton was born in Burbank California. Tim wasn’t a very happy person through childhood and didn’t do very well in school. Tim Burton was very familiar with monster movies, which is what caused him to be so interested in movies and arts. In 1976 he started college at the California Institute of the Arts. Disney used this school to find animators for their company and this is where they found Tim. Tim's first project for Disney was the famous movie, "The Fox and the Hound". This is when Tim realized that he didn’t care much for animations, and Disney saw this as well. Disney sent Tim Burton on his way to make his own individual projects. If you have ever seen Burton's art you can tell that it isn’t like most of Disney’s creations. While doing these individual projects Tim came up with a poem that soon turned out to be one of his most famous movies "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Tim Burton started out making cartoon movies then moved on and started making live action movies. Tim Burton uses a select few actors in each of his movies. His wife has been in most of his movies whether she was the voice of a character or the role of a character in a live action movie. Johnny Depp is also one of his close friends who has been in almost every one of his movies as well.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Works Cited

Biographies, Britanica. Tim Burton. 2011.
Britannica, Encyclopedia. "Britanica Online Encyclopedia." n.d. Tim Burton(American Director). 30 March 2012.
Easton, Nina J. "The Los Angeles Times." 12 November 1990. The Tim Burton Collective. 30 March 2012.
Elfman, Danny. "Interview Magazine." Tim Burton (n.d.): 5.
The Tim Burton Collective. n.d. 30 March 2012. 26 May 2008. 30 March 2012.